
Who enjoys stress? I think the answer to that question is resoundingly clear…no one.

From the moment we wake up, life demands our attention. Pulling us here and dragging us there, sometimes before we’ve even had our necessary cup of coffee. Whether its kids, stress at work, or the demands of one of life’s many interruptions; spending needed time with our sweet friends seems to be the last place we land. Our, “Let’s get together soon!” or “We really need to catch up!” seems to drag out longer each time.

We find ourselves in the midst of a hectic life, lacking community. How did we get here? A landmark study by UCLA duo Laura Klein and Shelley Taylor showed that women are genetically hardwired to need friendship in high-stress seasons.

Did you hear that? We need each other! Science says so.

It also mentions women’s natural inclination is to, “tend and befriend” as they benefit from connecting and nurturing one another when stress peaks.

There’s no denying when you get together with your sisters, or best girlfriends, all feels right with the world again. Stress, fear, and insecurity slip away as laughter takes its place. Catching up and feeling understood by those we love does something inside us that nothing else could.

I fondly remember growing up in a house full of sisters. There were four of us, between two brothers. You would normally find us spending evenings around the kitchen table sharing the events of the day, assisting mom while she demonstrated her Tennessee magic, “how to create a meal for eight on a low budget”. After dinner, we girls would gather in our room on the two twin beds where we slept two by two and begin our girly talk on random subjects. The latest gossip at school, newest lip color being worn, and the cute new boy in class were popular topics. I treasure those moments of simple connection and think of them often. They were more than my sisters; they were my best friends.

A Nurse’s Health Study from Harvard University showed a lack of time spent with female friends is as detrimental to your health as being overweight or smoking cigarettes. Can you believe that?
Like most close families or best friends, our lives become full so quickly then leaving little time for those special moments. But when we do, my mom and my three sisters create a magical moment. We explode like little girls with giggle boxes all turning upside down. My mom referred to this as a belly hugging, uncontrollable laughter that brought endless tears streaming down our faces. If you’ve never had one you’ve never really laughed.

Women are under increasing pressure at work, and at home, and spending time with female friends is a wonderful way to recover from this pressure. These studies show that women who take time to reconnect, share common experiences, and receive acceptance from their female friends; experience reduced stress, increased self esteem, and boosted confidence. It’s your turn to make a move. Grab brunch with your sister, get coffee with your best friend, or enjoy a spa day with your closest pals. It’s time to reconnect. You not only need it, you deserve it!

As told by Beyond Beaute’ Owner, Shirley Terry-Lopez.

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