
Study after study confirms that over exposure to the sun does long term damage to the skin, and that as we age the effects are worse. A two percent increase in skin damage gives the appearance of aging three years. Think about that the next time you consider laying out by the pool all afternoon.

It’s true other factors can contribute to aging of the skin, including smoking, diet, stress, illness, and even gravity. But a recent study concludes 80 percent of damage to the skin is due to UV rays from the sun. They cause everything from wrinkles, loss of elasticity, and pigmentation, to reduced quality of skin texture. Not to mention skin cancer. If you are fair skinned, have a family history of skin cancer, or have been sunburned multiple times, you are at a higher risk. It would be wise to pick a sunscreen that protects against both UVB and UVA rays and use it religiously. Wear a hat. Limit the time and amount of skin exposed.

As always, let me encourage you to maintain the health of your skin through good diet and lifestyle choices. Visit our skin care specialists at Beyond Beaute’ if you have questions or for advice on a healthy skin care regimen. Well nourished, vibrant, skin is better able to endure the ravages of the sun. In later years you will be rewarded for your efforts now with a glow and radiance that defies the passage of time.